EVM Compatibility on Ethereum Classic for Solidity Developers

June 5, 2023

Ethereum Classic (ETC) aims to keep compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (a.k.a. EVM) by eventually including changes from the latest Ethereum (ETH) network upgrades. This process implies the coordination of network upgrades by the Ethereum Classic blockchain ecosystem.

At the time of this writing, with the activation of the ETC Mystique (ECIP-1104) hard fork, Ethereum Classic supports EVM features up to the ETH London upgrade.

At this moment, we are working on adding support for the ETH Shanghai upgrade, which we expect will be ready by Q3 2023.

For Solidity developers deploying on the Ethereum Classic network, it is important that you to compile your smart contracts by setting the target to london.

For example:

$ solc --evm-version london contract.sol

You can find more information about this, and other configuration options, on Solidity's official documentation site.

Thank you for reading this article!

To learn more about the ETC Cooperative go to: https://etccooperative.org

To learn more about ETC go to: https://ethereumclassic.org