Polls in favor of an Ethereum Classic Treasury

April 23, 2021

A recent 7-day poll conducted on Twitter showed 82.7% of 515 votes in favor of an Ethereum Classic Treasury to fund multiple independent core development teams and community grants [1]. Previous polls showed:

  • ETC Telegram: 77% of 91 votes in favor of Treasury [2].
  • Twitter: 78% of 604 votes in favor of Treasury [3].
  • ETC Reddit: 60% of 64 votes in favor of Treasury [4].

These polls combined, show 74.43% of 1274 votes in favor of an ETC Treasury.

An Ethereum Classic proto-treasury system was proposed by IOHK in ECIP-1098 with a goal of establishing funding for multiple independent core development teams and community grants. IOHK and ETC Coop are supportive and collaborating to solidify this proposal as it will provide value to innovative and grow the Ethereum Classic ecosystem for the foreseeable future. We hope to share this measure for the awareness of miners, exchanges, developers, and the broader community.

Not familiar with the ETC Treasury? Why Ethereum Classic should adopt a treasury?


  1. https://twitter.com/stevanlohja/status/1382187803048546306?s=20
  2. https://t.me/ethclassic/363462
  3. https://twitter.com/asis_slm/status/1340313360609492993?s=20
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/EthereumClassic/comments/kg8qcq/are_you_for_or_against_a_treasury_system_for_the/