
Announcing the Proof of Work Summit, Securing Blockchain's Future
May 1, 2023

The ETC Cooperative is pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Litecoin Foundation to bring you the first annual ‘Proof-of-Work Summit’ - Securing Blockchain’s Future . The conference will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on Sept 25-2…

May 1, 2023

ETC合作社很高兴地宣布,我们与莱特币基金会合作,为您带来首届 ‘工作量证明峰会’ - 保障区块链的未来 。会议将于2023年9月25日至27日在捷克共和国的布拉格举行,将是对全球最有效和安全的共识机制的庆祝。 P布拉格是一个历史悠久、建筑壮丽的美丽城市,是世界上第一个比特币挖矿池、硬件钱包和比特币咖啡馆的诞生地。毫无疑问,布拉格为首届PoW会议提供了一个完美的场所。 自以太坊宣布从POW转向POS…

ETC Cooperative Adds Core Geth Support of ETC Mainnet and Testnet to DappNode
April 13, 2023

You may watch an interview about DappNode with ETC core developer Chris Ziogas here: We are pleased to announce that the ETC Cooperative has added support for the Ethereum Classic node client Core Geth to DappNode Home , the node client hardware…

The Ethereum Classic RPC URL Is Changing From Ethercluster to Rivet
January 2, 2023

You may listen to or watch this announcement here: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The ETC Cooperative is changing the RPC URL for the Ethereum Classic mainnet from Ethercluster to Rivet. This is important information for wallet operators, exchanges, mining…

以太坊经典RPC URL正在从Ethercluster变更为Rivet
January 2, 2023

欢迎由此收听或观看本此公告: 重要公告: ETC合作正在将以太坊经典主网的RPC URL从Ethercluster更改为Rivet。 这对于钱包运营商、交易所、矿池、dapps或任何其他使用Ethercluster作为端点发送交易和查询主网的以太坊经典服务或应用程序来说都是重要的信息。 Ethercluster RPC 端点将于2023年7月1日停止使用。 将于7月1日终止的Ethercluster端点为: https://ethercluster.com/etc 迁移可以立即执行到以下RPC…

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