
Pledge to the Ethereum Classic Community With Regard to the @eth_classic Twitter Account
February 1, 2023

Various community members have stated that they would like to see some official pledge from the ETC Cooperative with regard to the new @eth_classic Twitter account which is currently in possession of its executive director, Bob Summerwill . The…

February 1, 2023

许多社区成员表示,他们希望ETC合作社能就其执行董事 Bob Summerwill 拥有的新 @eth_classic 的推特账户做出一些官方承诺。 这种情况的背景是,之前使用相同名称的账号拥有60多万粉丝,但它由一家名为IOHK的公司的创始人 Charles Hoskinson 控制。在Hoskinson和ETC生态系统之间的冲突之后,该帐户在很长一段时间内保持不活跃状态,最终由Charles转移到他积极推动的另一个项目(Ergo…

The ETC Cooperative's Communications Plan
November 23, 2022

The ETC Cooperative announced this month the formation of our new communications team. The team's purpose is to support and promote Ethereum Classic as well as to keep the ecosystem informed about the ETC Cooperative's projects, finances, and…

November 23, 2022

ETC合作社本月宣布了 全新传播团队 的组建。该团队以支持和促进以太坊经典为目标,帮助生态系统了解ETC合作社的项目、财务及治理。 ETC合作社的使命是管理以太坊经典协议的开发,并支持围绕该协议的成熟生态系统成长。 我们将哈希率和用户增长定义为主要的长期量化目标,我们的目标受众群体是终端用户、开发人员和矿工。 ETC…

Announcing the New ETC Cooperative Communications Team
November 15, 2022

We are delighted to welcome the four members of our new communications team. Donald McIntyre - Senior Editor Donald is an active member of the Ethereum Classic project, has previously worked at ETCDEV, a previous ETC core development team, founded…

宣布以太坊经典合作社(ETC Coop)全新传播团队
November 15, 2022

我们非常开心的欢迎以太坊经典合作社全新传播团队的四位成员。 唐纳德·麦金太尔 Donald McIntyre - 高级编辑 Donald是以太坊经典项目的活跃成员。此前曾在ETC的核心开发团队ETCDEV工作,创建了Etherplan - 一个致力于ETC研究和分析的网站;并在Emerald工作 - 一个ETC、比特币和以太坊区块链钱包。Donald将负责管理编辑工作,为ETC合作社线上平台和ETC社区资源成产视频、文本和直播。 安德鲁 · 迪克 Andrew Dick…

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