
Outline of Bob Summerwill's Speech at ETHDenver 2023
March 13, 2023

You may watch Bob's presentation at ETHDenver here: Note: The microphone did not work the first few minutes so you may want to skip to minute 3:56. You may see the slides for Bob's presentation here: Cypherpunk Beginnings and the Case for Proof of…

Bob Summerwill在ETHDenver 2023的演讲大纲
March 13, 2023

您可以由此观看Bob在ETHDenver的演讲: 注:麦克风在前几分钟出了故障,可直接跳到3分56秒。 ETC合作社的执行董事Bob Summerwill是今年ETHDenver 2023的演讲者,这是世界上规模最大、运行时间最长的以太坊活动。该活动发生在2月24日至3月5日,Bob于上周五3日在CST上午9点,EST 11点,UTC 16小时在第7阶段发言。 Bob的演讲围绕工作量证明(PoW…

Outline of Xmei Lin's and Bob Summerwill's Speeches at BITMAIN's WDMS Global 2022
November 16, 2022

Xmei Lin , Head of Marketing at BITMAIN , the world's leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining hardware, and Bob Summerwill , Executive Director at the ETC Cooperative gave speeches about Ethereum Classic at the World Digital Mining Summit…